Polly Christensen
for Boulder County Commissioner, D2
Proven Leadership
Boulder County needs strong leadership to move us into a future that looks bright for ALL of us and our children and grandchildren. We need leadership that sees though the perspective of the average person, not perspective of the real estate investor.
In two terms on Longmont City Council here is some of what I did:
- Initiated the Affordable Housing (Inclusionary Housing) Ordinance, mandating 12% affordable housing (as defined by HUD)
- Initiated the Sustainability Plan and city composting pickup
- Co-initiated the zero-carbon waste by 2030
- Restored funding to El Comité that it had been denied
- Increased funding for early childhood education
- Defended Longmont’s fracking ban
- Upheld Longmont’s Fair Campaign Act and increased transparency
- Initiated several community summits and forums to address the surge in threats and hatred targeting DACA people, recent immigrants, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Muslims, Jews, and women following the 2016 elections
- Initiated community summits to address the need for greater gun violence prevention laws
- Helped bring Costco and Smuckers to Longmont, creating hundreds of jobs for the residents of Boulder and Weld counties.
- Collaborated with federal, state, county, and other municipalities to overcome the disasters of the 2013 flood and the later COVID pandemic that hit all of us, but especially marginalized communities
- Commissioner of Longmont Housing Authority
- Commissioner of Longmont Urban Renewal Authority
- Voting member of the Colorado Municipal League (CML) Policy Committee
- Voting member of National League of Cities (NLC) Hispanic Elected Local Officials (HELO)
- Voting member of Boulder County Consortium of Cities
- City Council liaison for the advisory boards of Housing & Human Services, El Comité, Multicultural Action Committee, Senior Center, Sustainability, Library, Visit Longmont, Longmont Public Media, and Historic Preservation
- Represented the City of Longmont in our Sister City relationship with the Wyoming Wind River Reservation to collaborate with our kind and astute Northern Arapaho friends
- represented the City of Longmont in our Sister City relationship with Chino, Japan, to collaborate with our kind and dear Chino friends
To read articles and speeches, click on any of the links below.
Polly Christensen for Boulder County Commissioner, D2
Web site: polly4boco.org
Facebook: facebook.com/Polly4boco
Email: polly4boco@gmail.com
Mail Donations: P.O. Box 585, Longmont CO 80502
Petition Volunteering: Pat Davis, 303-775-7353, davispsred@gmail.com